Signs Showing Your Blood Sugar Increased.
Signs Showing Your Blood Sugar Increased. The blood sugar level means the amount of glucose in the blood. Glucose is the main energy source of the body. Glucose is absorbed fromt he food we consume. High blood glucose (high blood sugar), which is called hyperglycemia, occurs when the body cannot use glucose properly( type2 diabetes), or it has insufficient amounts of it (type 1 diabetes).If this condition lasts for months or years, it makes a permanently damage to certain organs such as kidneys, blood vessels, nerves, and eyes.
Signs Showing Your Blood Sugar Increased. The blood sugar level means the amount of glucose in the blood. Glucose is the main energy source of the body. Glucose is absorbed fromt he food we consume. High blood glucose (high blood sugar), which is called hyperglycemia, occurs when the body cannot use glucose properly( type2 diabetes), or it has insufficient amounts of it (type 1 diabetes).If this condition lasts for months or years, it makes a permanently damage to certain organs such as kidneys, blood vessels, nerves, and eyes.