Haunted Island, the world's most dangerous dolls and you heard the true story about ghosts.
Isla de Las Munecas a.k.a. "The Island Of The Dolls" is situated in Xochimilco, Mexico, in the heart of the old Aztec canals. In the 1950's, a man named Don Julian Santana Barrera made the small island is home. Soon after he arrived he reported hearing the voice of a little girl who is said to have previously drowned there while playing with her 2 friends. It is after that frightful experience that Don Julian began bringing dolls to his island, hanging them in every trees he could find in a effort to appease the ghost of the young girl and possibly even, some ancient evil spirits wandering the canal.
Isla de Las Munecas a.k.a. "The Island Of The Dolls" is situated in Xochimilco, Mexico, in the heart of the old Aztec canals. In the 1950's, a man named Don Julian Santana Barrera made the small island is home. Soon after he arrived he reported hearing the voice of a little girl who is said to have previously drowned there while playing with her 2 friends. It is after that frightful experience that Don Julian began bringing dolls to his island, hanging them in every trees he could find in a effort to appease the ghost of the young girl and possibly even, some ancient evil spirits wandering the canal.