The East Indian Secret to Caner-Free Life.
Were you aware of the fact that East Indians have considerably lower rates of caner? Here is what d-r Carolyn Andersons says about this fact.
East Indians are less likely to develop cancer even though they are more exposed to carcinogens in their environment then people from the West. As she was researching the literature on caner prevention and treatment, she found statistics that were really remarkable. The ratios are the following:
Were you aware of the fact that East Indians have considerably lower rates of caner? Here is what d-r Carolyn Andersons says about this fact.
East Indians are less likely to develop cancer even though they are more exposed to carcinogens in their environment then people from the West. As she was researching the literature on caner prevention and treatment, she found statistics that were really remarkable. The ratios are the following: